Our Blinding Ego

Monday, October 26, 2015

Photo Courtesy: deviantart.com

As a Trainer in Human Resources Development, one of my favourite role was to counsel and help professionals facing problematic situations at their workplace. I observed in many personalities, that most of the problems being faced, have been created or jeopardized by the person himself/herself and not by those they are actually blaming. Some individuals would accept that they could have helped in calming down matters, but in the moment, due to anger and frustration, it was more important to prove that "I am right and you are wrong."

Actually, this reaction is very normal.

Sigmund Freud, father of Psychoanalysis, says that the human being is highly affected by the presence of 3 different personalities, that exist at different level of our conscious mind. The Id (unconscious mind), the Superego (preconscious  mind ) and the Ego (conscious mind). The Id is impulsive, aggressive and impatient. The Superego, on the other hand,  represents morality, values and principles. They are like the devil and the angel that is innate within us, and they are part of our subconscious mind; a part we do not show to the world. They are the ones who control our behaviour, our Ego and, the Ego is the real face we show to the world. The Ego is the personality that conforms to pressures and expectations of a society in order to "fit in".

Depending on a given situation, the Ego will either listen to the angel or to the devil. In today's society, it seems that the Ego mainly listens to the devil.

Why ?

The Ego is "Me". And when someone attacks Me, or tells Me something that is against My principles, My values and My ideals, I react defensively. When I succeed, I want to show the whole world, to satisfy Me. When I fail, I fear that My image will be tarnished. When I do good, I boast about it. When I do bad, I fear people will laugh at Me.

My Ego makes Me repress my emotions to show that I am powerful. My Ego will deny my love for my loved ones to show that I do not need them and that I am perfectly fine without them. My Ego will blame others for my own mistakes. My Ego will displace my anger on someone who is innocent. My Ego will make me go into depression.  

I want to feel right, proud, powerful, in control and above everyone else all the time. I want to win the competition at all time. Although it is better to listen to the angel's whispers, we prefer doing what the devil wants us to do, because then, we do not have to stoop, we do not have to forgive and we do not have to accept.  

We are drifting away from the good, because we've stopped listening to the angel and we've stopped listening to our soul. We have drifted too far away from spirituality that is why we are being consumed by a blinding ego at the detriment of our own self.

At the end of every session, I always tell the person I am counselling, that next time, before you react to any, circumstance, argument or problem, listen to what your ego says and hear your Spirit's reply.

Then, do what will starve the Ego and feed your Soul.

The Ego says:  I am a victim of circumstances!
The Spirit replies: I create my own destiny...

Ego: I live in scarcity!
Spirit: I live in abundance...

Ego: I am competing!
Spirit: I am in harmony...

Ego: I must serve myself!
Spirit: I must serve others...

Ego: I need people to recognize me!
Spirit: I need inner authenticity...

Ego: My outer image is important!
Spirit: My inner peace is vital...

Ego: I seek wisdom!
Spirit: I am wisdom...

Ego: I want the prize!
Spirit: I learn through the journey...

Ego: I am in pain!
Spirit: I am healed...

Ego: There is nothing more supreme than me!
Spirit: There is a supreme energy...

Ego: My family owes me!
Spirit: I am grateful towards my family...

Ego: My friends need me!
Spirit: I am grateful towards my friends...

Ego: My relatives are jealous of me!
Spirit: I live and let live...

Ego: You are below me!
Spirit: We are equal...

Ego is Me.
Soul is We.

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