Make Time.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Over the last few years, we have witnessed many breakages in relationships, friendships, family ties and in the working environment.  Certainly conflicts always existed, but today we come across too many individuals who are stressed out, depressed and sad in spite living in a world where we obtain everything so easily. Life today compared to what it was about two or three decades ago, is filled with luxury, easiness and convenience. So what is really going wrong?

In fact, as human beings, we have changed a lot. We have become more complexed since our needs, desires and expectations have changed. We are living in a competing society, and that competition begins right from school and of course, it does not stop, but takes over us up until our career. We are sharing less and probably caring less about others since we are so much focused on our own inner battle. We do not necessarily want to be like this but at the end of every day, we feel consumed, exhausted and sometimes fed-up.

But we can change that.
Make time, in the morning, a breathe in deeply some nice fresh air.
Make time, in the morning, to read a magazine, or exercise, or even pray.

With this fast and busy life, we witness families being at war, through lack of time to communicate, lack of support and understanding and a severe lack of time to spend with each other. Parents are working longer hours to offer the best life they can to their families. In the meantime the clock is ticking by. Children grow up and you feel like you have not cherished important moments that you should have. Looking around, you see children wasting their innocent years in doing unimportant virtual activities rather than getting their hands and feet dirty playing in the yard. It is sad to witness them unable to create games with their own imagination but are more thirsty of downloadable games.
We  can change that.
Make time, to spend more weekends at the beach, at the zoo or at the park.
Make time, for family games and family dinners.

Here I would love to quote this beautiful, amazing project; The Family Dinner Project, which shows incredible benefits of family dinners. "Our belief in the “magic” of family dinners is grounded in research on the physical, mental and emotional benefits of regular family meals. Some of the specific benefits of family dinners are: Better academic performance, Higher self-esteem, Greater sense of resilience, Lower risk of substance abuse, Lower risk of teen pregnancy, Lower risk of depression, Lower likelihood of developing eating disorders, Lower rates of obesity" Unquote. What is happening to family dinners today?

There was a time where we'd gather and do barbecues, picnics with friends and relatives. We had a simple phone to call our dear ones, talk for hours, or plan our next gathering. We had time to really bond with people. With this ease of having the internet and state of the art technology we have so many means to communicate but we are lesser and lesser in contact. Ironically, our group of closed-ones, is slimming down more and more. We have fewer and shorter "conversations".

We can change that.
Make time, to call a loved one during the day and have a good laugh.
Make time, to get together, not for the drinks, but for the real family and friends bonding.

We are becoming less tolerant towards humanity because we are not communicating humanly with the world. We are more connected online than connected with nature. We are more successful materially and less at peace mentally. We are more and more instructed and qualified but we are lesser and lesser educated. We are sharper in criticising other people and blind to our own flaws. Status and ego are becoming more important than reason and reality. We fight and we break.

We can change that.
Make time, to meditate on your own flaws, accept them and promise yourself to become better.
Make time, to forgive others and let go of harsh feelings, for your own good.

We are underestimating and undervaluing the power of a good sleep, the power of bonding with nature, the power of family dinners, the power of relaxing and meditating, the power of listening over talking, the power of letting go, the power of being spiritual, and the power of being happy without luxury.

We must change that.
Make time, to eat in a way where you can really taste the food without your nose-in your smart phone.
Make time, to relax, sleep and read whenever you have free time without the TV on in front of you.
Make time, to do what really brings  the best out of you.
Make time for those who count the most for you.

Picture courtesy: Boston Globe

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